We believe our industry needs to change. Burnout should not be a common occurrence. Work life balance should not be seen as a luxury. Mental and physical health of staff should be just as important as the quality of the work they are producing, if not more so.
To be awarded the Studio of the Year by AGDA was an incredibly validating experience, proving that it's possible to operate efficiently, whilst achieving an award of such high calibre.
We want to be the change our industry needs, and we practice what we preach.
We foster a noble studio culture, with normal work hours and no weekend work. Studio hours are 9am to 6pm, and staff are encouraged to take advantage of working from home when necessary to manage health and life admin. We make work flexible for those who need it.
The motion industry is still very heavily male dominated. Never Sit Still is one of the very rare motion studios with a female staff majority, which is something we're very proud of. We actively take a stand and create opportunities to promote women's involvement in motion, to actively bring more balance to the industry.
Diversity and inclusion is highlighted as a key priority and value for our studio as part of the employee induction. We encourage diversity, and tolerate no discrimination. Never Sit Still is a safe space for all our POC and queer staff.
Studio growth
We've doubled in size this year. At the end of last year, we were a team of four, and this year we've grown to the size of eight full time staff.
We have a projected forecast of work which will allow us to grow to a team of ten full time staff by June, 2021.
We’ve got big plans for 2021. We’re currently rebranding our studio with Christopher Doyle & Co, to solidify our positioning as the leading animation studio for brand.
Client diversity & variety of projects
We have a unique and diverse client mix, working across every sector. Technology, arts & culture, design & creative, finance, broadcast, events, government, and NGOs.
Throughout 2020, we’ve continued to strengthen partnerships with both agencies and our direct to client relationships. We’ve teamed up with world class studios in Australia and abroad including Moniker, Mucho, Frost, Maud, Futurebrand, M35, Christopher Doyle & Co, Moffitt Moffitt, Interbrand and Marx.
And we’ve worked directly with some of our more regular clients including Microsoft, Pinterest, Athena Home Loans, and Coassemble.
Industry contribution
Never Sit Still's Director, Mike Tosetto, has previously been the Chair of AGDA in NSW, spoken at Node Fest, The Design Conference and many other industry events. He has also ran a national motion workshop for AGDA across the majority of Australian states in 2019.
NSS have also run training workshops for other studios and agencies, such as Re and The Monkeys.
Each team member is encouraged to take up speaking opportunities to inspire up and coming designers. NSS often attends industry events to support the design community and believes in giving back to the community that has supported its own growth and development.
This year, our very own Zoe Crocker was a juror for the AGDA Awards, judging the Motion category and the Emerging Designer award. She also spoke at the AGDA event, Starting Out & Standing Out. Zoe has also appeared on Adobe's Live Stream, and she's lectured at UTS.
John Grist and Zoe Crocker from Never Sit Still also contributed to a fantastic project by Ben Marriott. Lots of Love was a collaborative film where 60 animators each contributed a 36 frame animation on the theme of ‘Love’.