More than ever, people need a reason to switch off from the chaos of their day-to-day lives; from social media, emails, news, politics.
With its rebranding, Event Cinemas wanted to remind people that it’s okay to take the time to sit and watch a movie. We worked with Landor to turn that thought into eye-catching motion assets including a Motion Toolkit, Motion Guidelines, Pre-Film Idents, and a Launch Video.
With motion assets to match each of the newly rebranded offerings, the results showcase the new beginning for Event Cinemas.
Agency — Landor
Design — Landor
2D Motion Design — Never Sit Still
3D Design & Animation — Never Sit Still, Luxx
Music & Sound Design — Smith & Western
4DX suite of assets.
Boutique suite of assets.
Gold Class suite of assets.
Junior suite of assets.
Master Brand suite of assets.
VMax suite of assets.

Event Cinemas brand applications by Landor, our partner agency on this project.

A selection of renders from our initial R&D phase.