Google Zoo is Google’s creative think tank of technologists and artists who work with brands and agencies. They help their partners do creative things with Google technology that have never been done before.
Never Sit Still were brought on board to create the motion system for the brand refresh, designed by M35.
The concept for the motion is based around duality, capturing the chaos of the creative process, contrasted with the purity of the final solution. This short video was produced to capture the essence of the new brand and demonstrate the motion principles. We also built a motion toolkit with a suite of templates that could used in-house by Google Zoo.
Brand Agency — M35
Concept & Design — M35
2D Motion Design — Never Sit Still
Sound Design — Smith & Western
Examples of Supers, Titles and Partner Slides for Google Zoo.
Google Zoo sub brands — Labs, Keynote, Bootcamp and X.
Suite of icons for Google Zoo.
Google Zoo brand applications by M35, our partner agency on this project.